Hello Marist AFL Football Club parents, volunteers and players

My name is Peter Hyde and I was elected President of MAFC at the October AGM and I am looking forward to the challenge.
First I would like to thank Geoff Davidson who has relinquished the role of President after four years. Geoff had the difficult task of guiding the club through Covid and then re-establishing the club for last year’s full season of football. He also played a part in the organisation of the celebration of the 50th year of the club. Thank you Geoff.
The committee that was elected at the AGM is:
Vice President | Kylie Denny |
Secretary | Lawrie Hosking |
Treasurer | Hugo Ellwood |
College Coordinator | Sarah Mahar |
Registrar | Catherine Bridges |
Property & Merchandise | Simon Howard |
Director of Coaching | Chris Maher |
Managers Manager | James Morrison |
First Aid Manager | Gemma McRae |
Sponsorship Coordinator | James Morrison |
Website & Social Media | Penny Scholtens & Sarah Mahar |
Socials Coordinator | Kate Reed |
Canteen Manager | VACANT |
General Committee member | Tony Bufalo |
If anyone is interested in taking on the role of canteen manager, please send me an email. The canteen is a critical part of our home games at Lindwall and it would be great to have someone step forward.
The Committee is looking forward to making 2024 a successful year both on and off the field.
I would also like to thank our sponsors this year and those who have recommitted to the club for 2024, particularly our major sponsor Brooks Marchant. The valuable contribution of all our sponsors goes directly towards improving the training and playing equipment of the club.
So we can continue to improve the overall experience for boys, we are looking for additional sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact me and I will pass the message onto our sponsorship manager James Morrison. James would also like to hear from you if you are able to provide any goods that could be raffled by the club throughout the year at an event.

I am pleased to announce that Steve Mahar will be the coach of the Rising Stars for 2024. A big thank you to Michael Stinziani who has coached the Rising Stars for the last two years. The other coaches will be announced closer to the season.
In other news for our older players, AFL Canberra is proposing to change the format for 2024 to two U18 competitions rather than the current U18 and U17 competitions. This is yet to be finalised by AFL Canberra and will be approved if enough clubs agree to participate.
How we will deal with this change as a club has yet to be determined, however we will keep you informed as we make decisions on the teams etc. This means that the other years will go from U10s to U16s.
As President I hope that you will send me any ideas on how we can improve the club and make the boy’s football experience at MAFC even more rewarding.
Thank you
MAFC President
